MIP-34 l Future of the Murphy Labs Service Providing

The proposal aims to discuss the future of the Murphy Labs service providing to the Parallel DAO.

At Mimo Labs we’ve been encouraging the diversification of contributors to the Parallel protocol for over a year now. When Murphy Labs proposed its development services to the Parallel DAO for a 6 months period, with a dedicated team led by Jean Brasse, one the most active DAO member, we immediately supported the proposal. Following acceptance of Murphy Labs service providing for the Parallel Protocol by the DAO, we began discussions and joint work with them, especially on the bridging module and upcoming new tokenomics.

However, we have recently been informed of the departure from Murphy Labs of Jean Brasse, CEO and head of the Parallel protocol team at Murphy Labs, as well as Fabien Coutant, lead developer at the Parallel protocol team at Murphy Labs. What’s more, neither Murphy Labs nor the DAO informed us how (or even if) Jean Brasse and Fabien Coutant will be replaced. We also do not see any significant advancement in the Murphy Labs service providing for the month of August 2024.

As a major holder of $MIMO tokens, this situation raises serious questions about Murphy Labs’ ability to continue its service providing to the Parallel Protocol until the end of the agreement with the DAO.


We are proposing several options to the DAO to resolve this situation:

  • Option 1: Continue Murphy Labs service providing for the Parallel Protocol until the end of the 6-month period (October 31 2024): Murphy Labs would continue its service providing until the end of the agreement (October 31 2024) as voted by the DAO in MIP-27 l Onboard Murphy Labs as a Parallel Service Provider

  • Option 2: Cancel Murphy Labs service providing agreement with the DAO: The DAO would terminate Murphy Labs service providing for Parallel protocol, effective September 1 2024. Furthermore, as agreed in the proposal, all the code and assets developed by Murphy Labs for the Parallel Protocol must have to be made public and open source.

  • Option 3: Cancel Murphy Labs service providing in profit of Cooper Labs, a potential new Parallel service provider: Jean Brasse, the previous CEO and head of the Parallel protocol team at Murphy Labs has informed us that he created a new web3 development company called Cooper Labs. Fabien Coutant, the previous lead developer of the Parallel protocol team at Murphy Labs has also informed us that he is currently joining Cooper Labs as lead developer. Cooper Labs has informed us that they would commit to continue the service providing under the same terms (including the roadmap), until the end of the 6-month period initially agreed between the DAO and Murphy Labs, starting September 1 2024. The team would be composed of Jean Brasse, Fabien Coutant, a senior frontend developer and a senior UX/UI designer. Furthermore, in case the option is chosen by the DAO, as agreed in the proposal, all the code and assets developed by Murphy Labs for the Parallel Protocol must have to be made public and open source, the DAO would also ask Murphy Labs to transfer non-public assets held by the them to Cooper Labs. (e.g domain names)

At Mimo Labs we strongly believe that option 3 is the best, Jean Brasse knowing the protocol perfectly and Fabien working on it for several months now. We are confident that they will be able to pursue the roadmap on schedule.


  • Human Resources: Multisig signers will need to sign transactions to execute the proposal
  • Treasury Resources:
    • Option 1: 30,000 USD & 50,000 MIMO per month to Murphy Labs. (until October 31 2024)
    • Option 2: no cost for the DAO treasury
    • Option 3: 30,000 USD & 50,000 MIMO per month to Cooper Labs. (until October 31 2024)

Technical implementation:

  • Option 1: On Polygon PoS and/or Ethereum, the Parallel DAO multisig will send 30,000 USD worth paUSD and/or PAR & 50,000 MIMO at the end of each month for a 6 months period to Murphy Labs, the 6-month period beginning May 1st.
  • Option 2: Stop the payments to Murphy Labs on Polygon PoS and/or Ethereum.
  • Option 3: On Polygon PoS and/or Ethereum, the Parallel DAO multisig will send 30,000 USD worth paUSD and/or PAR & 50,000 MIMO at the end of each month (September & October) until October 31 2024 to Cooper Labs (address to be provided by them).

Voting Options:

  • Continue Murphy Labs service providing
  • Cancel Murphy Labs service providing
  • Switch service providing to Cooper Labs
  • Abstain

Author(s): Mimo Labs

Sentiment poll:

  • Continue Murphy Labs service providing
  • Cancel Murphy Labs service providing
  • Switch service providing to Cooper Labs
  • Abstain
0 voters

Could you kindly provide additional context and background regarding the proposed change? It appears that, over several years, neither Mimo Labs nor Jean were successful in implementing tokenomics or significantly expanding the user base.

Given this, it may seem a bit premature to assess Murphy Labs’ progress after just one month. Could you please elaborate on the rationale for transitioning to a new company that involves the same individuals who have faced challenges in the past with developing a tokenomics concept?


This should not be a self-service store to cover the ongoing costs of a company - it should bring value to the protocol - i have some concerns abount Murphy Labs … or under a new name now “Cooper Labs”

Please also renew the roadmap, if needed.

Option 2: what is the alternative? will mimo team be working at the protocol? how is the future of the protocol and with that the value of the mimo token secured?

Murphy Labs has started working for the Parallel DAO on May 1st.

We worked closely on tokenomics with Murphy Labs (design and technical choices) until July, after which we had no further news.

We agree with that. This created some concern internally, which prompted us to publish the proposal.

Whatever option the DAO chooses, Mimo Labs will continue to work on the Parallel protocol, as we have done since its inception.

Hi @MimoLabs or should i say @JeanBrasse,

I am ManuRedPills, cofounder of MurphyLabs, I’d like to follow up on what I’ve read on this forum about the providing service that MurphyLabs has been providing since May.
Firstly, I’d like to make it clear that I don’t have access to the MurphyLabs account to reply here, which is why I’m replying with my ManuRedPills account.
To clarify the situation for those of you reading this, I recently learned of @jeanBrasse’s intention to leave MurphyLabs, but at the time of writing nothing is yet legally official.
He is still the main shareholder of MurphyLabs, but also the person in charge of progressing the work for Parallel, as has been the case since the beginning of the providing service.
So far, and I’ve checked, the roadmap has been respected and even if it’s not yet visible to the community, the work is progressing.
So, to sum up briefly, @JeanBrasse is leaving MurphyLabs soon, along with Fabien Coutant, the dev in charge of the Parallel project, for a new entity, CooperLabs.
As head of MurphyLabs, and even though I deplore the form in which this is being done, MurphyLabs has agreed to terminate the contract with Parallel so that the protocol is not impacted by external quarrels.
I hope all will go well and I refer you to @JeanBrasse and CooperLabs for Parallel’s future developments.
PS: we’re still waiting for August’s payment, and given the situation, it’s difficult for Starny to remain neutral and launch the transaction on his own. please proceed.
Best regards,


that is a clear and respectful message. Thank you.


Yes thnx, this answer changed my vote. Let’s just proceed and switch services

Can we move forward?
Next step, vote at snapshot.

What are we waiting for?

The proposal is live on Snapshot between September 9th until September 16th: Snapshot

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Vote ended at snapshot :+1: