2024 Parallel Roadmap - Murphy Labs

In this post we outline a non-exhaustive list of products that Murphy Labs, a Parallel DAO service provider, will be working on in 2024. Please note that delays may occur in the deployment of certain features due to technical delays in their development.

The main objective for 2024 is to close the gap accumulated with competitors over the last 2 years, in order to be able to restart the growth of the protocol while giving time to the team to focus on Parallel V3 for 2025.

Q2 2024 (April - June):

  • Clear Pending Proposal Execution: Execute approved proposals which have not yet been implemented due to technical limitations yet to be resolved.
  • Parallel Soft Visual Rebranding: A soft visual rebranding for a more modern, serious, financial visual brand.

Q3 2024 (July - September):

  • Parallel New Landing Page: A brand new landing page, reflecting Parallel protocol’s new ambitions.
  • Parallel Updated dApp MVP: A brand new dApp, including new features. However, please note that this will be in beta at first, with some features coming during Q4 2024.
  • Parallel Bridging Module: A product for securely bridging PAR, paUSD & MIMO tokens between any chain.

Q4 2024 (October - December):

  • Parallel Tokenomics Update: A brand new tokenomics, with the aim of aligning the interests of users and the protocol as closely as possible.
  • Parallel dApp Improvements: Implementation of new features on the dApp.
  • Parallel V3 R&D: Research and development on Parallel V3, with the aim of releasing the protocol in 2025.

May 2024 Recap:


June 2024 Recap: