PIP-40 l Offboard stMATIC as PAR Collateral on Polygon PoS

This proposal aims to remove the stMATIC token as PAR collateral on Polygon PoS.

Lido, the issuer of stMATIC, is officially sunsetting the token, urging users to unstake to vanilla MATIC before June 16th 2025. More information available here.

Implications for stMATIC holders:

  • Discontinued Rewards: stMATIC holders will stop receiving network rewards throughout the sunsetting process.
  • Pre-Sunset Pause: The protocol will temporarily pause and then resume operations. No withdrawals can be processed until after the protocol resumes.
  • Withdrawal Process: Users can unstake their MATIC through the Lido on Polygon frontend until June 16, 2025.
  • Post-Sunset Access: After June 16, 2025, withdrawals will remain possible through explorer tools.

Therefore, with the end of rewards distribution and the sunset of the token we propose to offboard stMATIC from allowed collaterals for PAR on Polygon PoS.

The plan to offboard stMATIC would take place in 3 steps:

  1. Reduction of Debt Ceiling to 0:
    We propose to reduce the debt ceiling of stMATIC for PAR to 0, effectively halting any further borrowing against these assets.

  2. Incremental Increase in Borrowing Rates:
    To expedite the repayment of existing debt, we propose to increase borrowing rates by 10 percentage points per week until the outstanding debt is cleared.

Note: This adjustment will be made independently of any partial automatic borrow rate adjustments (MIP-23 & MIP-25).

  1. Removal of Collateral:
    The stMATIC will be removed from allowed collaterals for PAR.

Note: Any individuals still holding stMATIC as collateral on Parallel should consider transitioning to MaticX (built by Stader Labs) any time soon if the proposal is approved.


  • Human Resources: Multisig signers will need to sign transactions to execute the proposal
  • Treasury Resources: There will be no treasury resources needed to execute the proposal.

Technical implementation:

Voting Options:

  • Accept the Offboarding
  • Against/Rework the proposal
  • Abstain

Authors: @JeanBrasse from Mimo Labs

Sentiment poll:

  • Accept the Offboarding
  • Against/Rework the proposal
  • Abstain
0 voters
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The proposal is now live on Snapshot from February 4th at 4pm CET until February 13th at 4pm CET: Snapshot