MIP-12┃Adjust Origination & Borrowing fee


This proposal aims to reduce the Initiation fee & borrowing fee on all chains for all collaterals to remain competitive.


The Mimo Protocol is generating revenues by taking fees on minted PAR. These fees are called “Origination Fee” and “Borrowing Fee” :

  • 0,5% Origination fee
    The “Origination Fee” is a fee taken at the moment of the mint of newly PAR tokens and is quoted as a percentage of the total newly minted PAR. The fee is automatically added to the borrower’s debt at the moment of the mint.

  • 3% yearly borrowing fee
    The “Borrowing Fee” is a fee taken on the amount of PAR minted on collateral and is automatically added to the borrower’s debt at each block.


In comparison, here are the fees taken by the other CDP (Collateral Debt Position) protocols :

The fees currently taken by the Mimo protocol reduce the arbitrage opportunity of the PAR, due to a higher opportunity cost than on other collateral debt protocols, resulting in reduced capital efficiency for the borrowers and making the protocol less competitive.

That’s why this proposal aims to reduce the Initiation fee and borrowing fee on all chains and for collaterals:

  • Initiation fee: 0.3% → 0.2%
  • Borrowing fee: 3% → 0.3%


  • Human resources: If the proposal is accepted, the DAO multisig will need to launch and execute several transactions to change fees on all collaterals and on all chains.
  • Treasury resources: There is no cost for the treasury to adjust the Mimo Protocol fees.

Technical implementation:

  1. Change origination fee from 0,3% to 0.2% for all collaterals on all chains
  2. Change borrowing fee from 3% to 0.3% for all collaterals on all chains

Voting options:

  • Accept to adjust fees
  • Against adjusting fees
  • Abstain / Rework the proposal

Authors: @starny & @JeanBrasse from Mimo Labs

Community poll:

  • Accept to adjust fees
  • Against adjusting fees
  • Abstain / Rework the proposal

0 voters


:zap: MIP-12┃Adjust Origination & Borrowing fee is now live on @SnapshotLabs !

The vote started tomorrow February 18th at 10am CET and finishes on February 20th at 10am CET.

:ballot_box: Vote here :point_down:

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:white_check_mark: With over 5,8M votes from vMIMO holders, MIP-12 was approved at 100%.

The Mimo DAO will adjust Origination & Borrowing fee on each chain.


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