Executive Proposal - "Mimo Distribution v2"

If the Mimo Token Holders accept the executive proposal, the following changes will be deployed to the Mimo Protocol:

The total MIMO distribution will decrease as the following:

Before After
Weekly Issuance 5,654,203.999197681117886672 1,413,550.999799420279471668
Weekly Reduction 5.55% 1.3875%


We believe this change needs to be executed because this deflationary measure will first make the incentive last longer on the platform and will also decrease the daily sell pressure on the market. From Friday, September 10, 2021, the new distribution will be based on the last Weekly Issuance divided by 4. The decrease over weeks will also be divided by 4


Please make sure to inform and educate yourself before proceeding with your vote. Community discussions are always welcomed.

Hope this will not decrease the TVL under 20 mio

Has the executive team considered creating incentives for a MIMO-PAR polygon balancer pool? Why is there support for the MIMO token on ETH but not MATIC?